About Us
The path to the development of the AMBIOLOCK product commenced in 2013, when the founders moved from the ’conceptual’ into actual development.
The concept by these innovators was that a prime source for PFAS impact was being overlooked by both consultants, regulators, and industry and needed proper solutions deliberated.
The focus of these parties, with associated public and private commitments, was on the secondary sources of soil and groundwater from areas where PFAS fire fighting foams (’AFFF’) have or are being utilised. These areas (typically concrete forecourts) act like hard ’sponges’ with PFAS impact from the foam into the pore space of the concrete, movement restricted by permeability.
Mr Andrew Kita and Grant Scott co-founded the Company – Ki Strategies Pty Ltd. A company focusing on practical strategies to obtain outstanding and creative commercial solutions to the benefit of all stakeholders. Ki Strategies Pty Ltd focus is on areas that provide strategic leveraged business opportunities in Clean Technologies, like AMBIOLOCK.
The development of the final process and product, AMBIOLOCK was developed over years of R&D works. The initial product, was primarily a surface treatment, developed to restrict the leaching of PFAS from concrete, had variable (undcertain) success and required extensive and somewhat costly site preparation.
KiStrategies transitioned from surface process into an Admix process with the development of AMBIOLOCK that allowed for the full (>99%) encapsulation of the PFAS impact into a concrete substrate. This had the value add of creating variable structures useful for ReUse and ReCycling PFAS impacted materials at the site. Additionally, AMBIOLOCK structures are more resilient than normal concrete structures and will not leach PFAS even when deconstructed.