

Physical not Chemical

Proprietary product locks PFAS into a variety of concrete materials through a physical PFAS immobilisation mechanism. Physical mechanism is advantageous, as changes in environmental chemistry have a lesser impact on immobilised PFAS fraction.

Optimisation Range

Allows simultaneous sustainable use of vaste amounts/variable PFAS impacted materials, with associated cost reduction and risk minimisation achieving non-detect leaching of any PFAS.

Useful Structures

Can be incorporated into concrete mix designs to achieve equal or greater material strength (> 32MPa) when compared to untreated concrete. Ambiolock is valuable for high traffic area use.

Risk Resilience

Beyond extending the lifetime of created concrete or stabilised sand, Ambiolock has demonstrated insignificant leachability when treated concrete is broken back into powder form.

AMBIOLOCK is incorporated into a concrete substatemix to achieve equal or greater material strength when compared to untreated concrete, while reducing leachable fractions of PFAS by up to 99%.
*Mass flux of all PFAS components to ND
AMBIOLOCK tests demonstrated NO appreciable leachable PFAS fraction when concrete or stabilized soil crushed.
AMBIOLOCK Stabilised Sand
AMBIOLOCK Stabilised Concrete
Crushing of Ambiolock treated concrete into various particle sizes and analysis of the separated particle size fractions for PFAS leaching evaluation. Represents longterm use, wearing down of concrete or stabilised soil and possible disposal in the future.

AMBIOLOCK Use Evaluation

The AMBIOLOCK Technology use is optimised through a process of:

* Consultations with Client to consider the range of end use opportunities for the specific PFAS impacted materials;
* Access to impacted materials and completion of Bench Top Study to evaluate and ensure precise mixing specifications to achieve desire end use; and
* Project Scale-up definition – with AMBIOLOCK, aggregate. PFAS impacted material components. Includes RAP, with costings considerations/ comparatives for Client decision.

Potential – Reuse/Recycle Opportunity Onsite or Offsite Define concrete
Similar process for disposal of impacted materials on or offsite.
Access/Assess Impacted Material
Understand: Level of Impact, Quantum, Consistency, Material particle size, Friability, Site Specific access – Testing of PFAS Impact material
AMBIOLOCK Bench Top Study
Conduct Benchtop Study AMBIOLOCK Application combined with PFAS impacted material to meet required properties.

Full project proposal scaleup

defined by benchtop - laboratory evaluation.
Validation works during project – ongoing risk mitigation/monitoring

Benchtop Works

AMBIOLOCK Concrete Monolith Production
AMBIOLOCK Concrete Monoliths
Compressive Strength
Penetration Test
Permeability Evaluation
LEAF Testing – Analytical

AMBIOLOCK Physical Application

The physical application of AMBIOLOCK treated materials is wide ranging.
Mixed poured – AMBIOLOCK Concrete
Wet sprayed AMBIOLOCK Concrete (shotcrete)
Prefabricated AMBIOLOCK Concrete Slabs

AMBIOLOCK with Other PFAS Impacted Materials

Waste concrete can be crushed to a proper size and used as aggregate. AMBIOLOCK’s value is the inclusive flexibility for other impacted materials whether they be liquid of solid to be included into the concrete substrate. Note: bench top study requireto ensure concrete substrate is fit for purpose.

Some of the following PFAS Impacted materials that can be considered are:


Waste Water


Mixed Solid Waste


Tank Sludge
Heavy Metals


Options to ReUse – ReCycle or Controlled Disposal either on or offsite of AMBIOLOCK treated materials is unlimited.
Example of AMBIOLOCK Stabilise Structures – ReUse – ReCycle
Noise Barriers
Concrete Piers – Bridges
Safety Barriers – Sidewalks
Refinery – Plant Bunds
Some Examples of AMBIOLOCK Diposal Options
Control Options – Subsurface – Funnel & Gate
Concrete Lined Disposal Pit
Waste Surface Cover
Walls made of AMBIOLOCK
treated concrete
Surface – Erosion Control


Typical Concrete-Components (Approx.)
Quantum and Type of PFAS Impacted Materials for ReUse/ Recycle into Ambiolock concrete substrate could range up to 75%

Each Site and Project is Different

– logistics, impact levels, materials worked with, regulatory obligations, desired – highest value use…
  • ReUse/ReCycling impacted materials offer obvious cost savings in both materiasl and limiting disposal offsite costs;
  • Valued Public Perception – Effective Risk Mitigation;
  • Green Solution/Construction – Climate Change Positive